Our research

Jesus Ignacio Lopez Palau receives the best MSc Thesis in Bioinformatics award

Jesus Ignacio Lopez Palau receives the best MSc Thesis in Bioinformatics award

Jesús defended his MSc thesis in July, and has now received the award at the graduation ceremony of his class.

European Researchers Night

European Researchers Night

The team participated in this year’s European Researchers Night presenting our REGUBIOME project

Manuel and Jesus successfully defended their MSc Theses

Manuel and Jesus successfully defended their MSc Theses

Manuel and Jesús passed their defenses swiftly, congratulations!

First lab lunch!

First lab lunch!

I-79 Lab lunch 2024!

Invited talk at FISABIO

Invited talk at FISABIO

Our group leader, Verónica Lloréns-Rico, gave an invited talk at the FISABIO Institute in Valencia.

The lab takes part in the VIII Trobada d'Investigadors en Càncer Ciutat d'Alcoi

The lab takes part in the VIII Trobada d’Investigadors en Càncer Ciutat d’Alcoi

Verónica Lloréns-Rico and Ana Rosa Márquez Blesa attended this meeting in Alcoi, where they presented part of the REGUBIOME work.

Veronica Llorens, finalist of the Talento Joven awards

Veronica Llorens, finalist of the Talento Joven awards

Veronica Llorens, our group leader, was selected as finalist of the Talento Joven - Comunitat Valenciana awards.

Welcome Ana Rosa!

Welcome Ana Rosa!

We want to welcome to our group our new PhD student, Ana Rosa Márquez Blesa.

Invited talk at IATA

Invited talk at IATA

Our group leader, Verónica Lloréns-Rico, gave an invited talk at the Instituto de Agroquímica y Tecnología de los Alimentos (IATA).

Verónica Lloréns presents REGUBIOME at the outreach event "Una horchata por la salud"

Verónica Lloréns presents REGUBIOME at the outreach event “Una horchata por la salud”

Verónica Lloréns presented the ERC StG project REGUBIOME to the general public in an outreach event organized by FECYT in the context of the Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union and the conference on Personalized Medicine that is taking place in Valencia these days.

The organizers of the event “Una horchata por la ciencia” invited local researchers working on EU-funded projects, to bring excellent science being done in Valencia closer to the public.

The Lloréns-Rico Lab receives an ERC StG 2023

The Lloréns-Rico Lab receives an ERC StG 2023

The project REGUBIOME has received one of the highly competitive ERC Starting grants, receiving 1.5M€ to pursue research on gene regulation in gut bacteria.

Link to press release: https://www.cipf.es/archives/39240

Link to article in Levante: https://www.levante-emv.com/comunitat-valenciana/2023/09/05/joven-valenciana-veronica-llorens-rico-91727959.html

Link to interview in Valencia Plaza: https://valenciaplaza.com/veronica-llorens-investigacion-abrir-puertas-medicina-personalizada

The Lloréns-Rico group has received funding from the Agencia Estatal de Innovación

The Lloréns-Rico group has received funding from the Agencia Estatal de Innovación

The project has been awarded a Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2022 grant to study transcriptional variation in the gut microbiome during the next three years.

Invited talk at CABD

Invited talk at CABD

Our group leader, Verónica Lloréns-Rico, gave an invited talk at the Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo (CABD).